Monday, January 3, 2011

15 - Shithilasan

Importance / Benefits
  • Shithilasan gives us a complete relief from fatigue.
  • This asan is very useful for people suffering from insomnia.
  • It also normalises the irregularities of blood pressure.
  1. Lie flat on your abdomen at full length.
  2. Resting the right ear on the ground, stretch straight your right arm and right leg.
  3. Keep the forefingers of your right foot straight.
  4. Now fold your left foot at 90 degrees.
  5. Bring the heel of the left foot and touch it with your right knee.
  6. Place your left palm in front of your face.
  7. Relax both your shoulders and let your chest touch the ground.
  8. Breathe normally and stay in this posture for sometime and repeat the same for other side as well.

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