Thursday, December 30, 2010

14 - Shashankasan

Importance / Benefits
  • This asan is very useful as it provides relief to the body.
  • This asan helps in proper functioning of liver and stomach.
  • This asan is very useful for people suffering for Asthma.
  1. Sit down in Vajrasan and keep your back and neck erect.
  2. While inhaling, raise your arms over head as high as possible, stretch towards upwards.
  3. While exhaling, bend forward while raising your buttocks. Your hands should be stretched and arms should touch ears. 
  4. Please ensure that while bending forward do not allow your buttocks to come off their position between the heels.
  5. Rest your elbows on the floor and relax your arms. You can touch your forehead on the ground. Breathe normally and maintain this posture for a while.
  6. While inhaling, stretch your arms and return back to Vajrasan.

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