Sunday, December 5, 2010

02 - Ardhchandrasana

The word ARDHCHANDRASANA is made of mainly 2 words:
  • ARDH: means Half in Sanskrit
  • CHANDRA: means Moon in Sanskrit
If we combine the English translations of the words above, we get half-moon, which is exactly how the body looks like while performing ARDHCHANDRASANA. 
It is a very simple and useful asan for its effectiveness on our abdomen and other parts.


  • This asan cures constipation as it exercises a great pressure on both sides of the intestine.
  • It strengthens the muscles attached to the spine as well as the nervous system.
  • It reduces extra fat gathered on our hips & buttocks.
  • It broadens the chest, strengthens our knees & thighs.
  • This asan is also helpful in increasing the height of children.
  1. Stand on the asans with heels and fore-feet fingers joined together.
  2. Inhaling, stretch both the arms upwards, keep your arms stretched and do not bend your knees.
  3. Bend towards your left or right (as shown in the picture) from the waist as per your capacity.
  4. Exhaling, return to original position very slowly (#2).
  5. Repeat this on the other side.
  6. Do not bend forward in either case.

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