Monday, December 13, 2010

07 - Kamarchakrasan

Kamarchakrasan is made of up following words:

  • Kamar means waist
  • Chakra means wheel
This asan is so called as the entire region of waist, hips is turned around like a wheel.

Importance / Benefits
  • This asan is very helpful in making our lower back very flexible.
  • It helps in reducing extra fat on our waist and buttocks.
  • It helps strengthening abdominal muscles.
  • It is also very helpful in keeping our liver healthy.
  1. Sit and spread your feet on either side as wide as possible.
  2. First, try and hold your left toe with your left hand and right toe with the right hand. This is the initial warm up pose for Kamachakrasan which will stretch your lower back. Hold like this for 30 seconds.
  3. Exhaling, turn round towards left hand side first and hole your left toe with your right hand & try to touch the your forehead with your left knee. Keep your left hand behind your back.
  4. Inhaling, return to the normal position (sit straight)
  5. Exhaling, turn round towards right hand side and hold your right toe with your left hand & try to touch your forehead with your right knee. Keep your right hand behind your back.
  6. Inhaling return to the normal position (sit straight)
  7. Repeat this process for at least 10 times.

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