Wednesday, December 8, 2010

04 - Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is an asan which consists of most number of postures. There are total 12 postures in Surya Namaskar. I'll first enumerate some of its benefits.

Importance / Benefits
  • Surya Namaskar helps in making the cervical portion in the spine elastic & free from disorders.
  • It is also very helpful in improving the digestive system.
  • It helps in supplying sufficient quantity of blood to the brain.
  • It is also helpful in keeping the blood circulation under control.
  • It is also helpful in development of our emotional sensibility.
As mentioned above, Surya Namaskar consists of total 12 postures which I'll be explaining now along with the relevant pictures.

First Pose
  1. Stand erect on your asan (yoga mat, sheet etc) with your heels joined & front feet apart.
  2. Bring both hands in close contact with either side of your body (as shown). Join your hands together.
  3. The breathing should be normal and body absolutely erect.
  4. While your hands are joined together, keep your elbows straight & parallel to the ground.
  5. Close your eyes while your shoulders remain tension-free.
Second Pose
  1. While inhaling, stretch your hands towards the sky. Arms should remain straight and close to ears.
  2. The distance between the hands should be as wide as your shoulders.
  3. Slowly bend back your both hands, neck and body. Make sure that the lower part of the body remain in its natural position.
  4. Please make sure that no unnecessary force is exerted while bending back.
Third Pose
  1. While exhaling your breath, bring your both arms forward and bend your body down. Please do this slowly & make sure that your arms are close to your ears.
  2. While bending, try to stretch your arms towards the ground and try to place them on the left and right side of your feet.
  3. Also, try to touch your forehead to your knees.
  4. Please note that the knees should not bend in any case while doing this asan.
Fourth Pose
  1. While inhaling, take your left leg backwards and rest your toe on the ground. Keep your waist downwards while doing this.
  2. Keep your chest stretched forward & try to bend your neck as far backward as possible.

Fifth Pose
  1. While exhaling the breath, now take your right leg backwards and place it with your left leg.
  2. Close the heels & place them on the ground.
  3. Raise your hips upwards to max & take your body as far back as possible.

Sixth Pose
  1. While inhaling, bring your body parallel to the ground.
  2. First place your knees on the ground, then chest & then your forehead.
  3. Stomach should be slightly raised above the ground.
  4. Make your breath normal (breathe normally)
  5. Please note that it is very important that your palms and forefingers should not move from the place they were originally placed.
Seventh Pose
  1. While inhaling, raise your body & move it forward.
  2. Keep your chest fully stretched forward and the neck bent backward as far as possible. 
  3. Please make sure that your knees remain fully on the ground in this asan.
Eighth Pose
Eighth pose will be same as the fifth pose. Bring your right leg towards front.

Ninth Pose
Ninth pose will be same as the fourth pose. Bring  your left leg towards front.

Tenth Pose
Tenth pose will be same as the third pose. Raise your body back (towards standing pose) with your arms still stretched.

Eleventh Pose
Eleventh pose will be same as the second pose.

Twelfth Pose
Twelfth pose will be same as the first pose.

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