Tuesday, December 14, 2010

11 - Yogmudra

Importance / Benefits
  • Yogmudra helps in curing all the disorders of liver such as lack of blood supply, swelling etc.
  • All the parts of urinary system are toned up and their functional capability also improves.
  • Yogmudra also helps in toning up our digestive system.
  • It also helps in regulating the flow of blood in the brain.
  1. Sit in Padmasana. Keep your neck and waist erect.
  2. Take your both arms behind your back and hold your left wrist with your right hand.
  3. While inhaling stretch your body upwards and then exhaling, bend downwards from hip-joints very slowly & try to rest the forehead on the ground.
  4. Breathe normally and maintain this posture for a while.
  5. Now, inhaling and stretching both the hands come back to the original pose (#2).
  6. Make sure that your wrist while stretching touches your waist-line.

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