Tuesday, December 14, 2010

08 - Janushirasan

Importance / Benefits
  • Janushirasan is very useful in curing gastric trouble.
  • This asan is also very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes as it stops the flow of sugar in urine.
  • It helps making our spine flexible.
  • It also helps in strengthening our back muscles, ankles, calves, thighs and knees.
  • It also helps in increasing our digestive power.
  1. Sit on the asan (yoga mat, sheet etc) with legs stretched forward.
  2. Bend your right leg and touch the sole its foot sole to your left thigh (as shown in the picture)
  3. Keeping the lower part of the body straight, inhale and stretch both your hands towards the sky.
  4. While exhaling, bend and hold your left foot with both the hands.
  5. Try to touch your forehead to your left knee. Normalise your breath.
  6. Repeat the above step for the other foot as well (left foot)

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