Tuesday, December 14, 2010

09 - Paschimottanasan

Paschimottansan involves stretching the lower back parts of body. This is the most effective and beneficial asan as it helps in making our spine and abdomen more flexible.

Importance / Benefits
  • This asan makes the spine flexible. It also helps to reduce stiffness in the lower part of the body.
  • It helps in curing piles and bad cold.
  • Since there is an effect on our abdominal region while doing this asan, it helps proper functioning of our glands.
  1. Sit on the asan (mat, sheet etc). Joining your heels and toes together, stretch the legs forward.
  2. Sit straight and stretch your back upwards.
  3. While inhaling, raise both your hands towards sky and stretch upwards.
  4. While Exhaling, start bending forward from lower part of your waist till your forehead touches your knees.
  5. Rest on your knees and grab your toes with your both hands. Normalise your breath.
  6. While inhaling, come back to the original position (#2)
Things to Remember
  1. Do not bend your knees at all.
  2. Both your back and hands should remain stretched.
  3. This asan is not advisable for people suffering from blood pressure, having backache or heart patients

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