Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yoga - Before We Start

Important Instructions
There are certain important instructions which needs to be kept in mind before we start Yoga. Please read carefully the following points below:

  • People who have suffered heart attack should not do any asan for one and a half months. They should seek proper advise from their doctor first. At the time of starting yoga, they must first do simple exercises for some time. Holding of breath is not advisable.
  • If the maximum blood pressure is more than 150 or minimum is more than 90, avoid difficult postures (asans)
  • Yogasans (postures) should be practiced according to one's physical capacity. Do not force your body unnecessarily.
  • In case of an illness, resume Yoga only after consulting an expert Yoga teacher.
  • Practice of Yoga is advisable on an empty stomach only.
  • The place selected for Yoga should be neat and clean, preferably an open park.
  • Take light meals half an hour after yoga or a glass of water after 15 minutes of practicing yoga.
  • Asans can be done both in the morning and evening.
  • Beginners should first begin with simple postures (asans) and gradually proceed with the difficult ones.
  • Keep the eyes closed and maintain silence while practicing asans.
  • For practicing yoga, the dress should be light and loose-fitting
There are many other important points to be considered while doing yoga asans which I'll mention in the later sections.