Sunday, December 5, 2010

03 - Trikonasana

The word 'Trikon' means 'Triangle' in Sanskrit. The posture resembles that of a triangle in this asan. Hence the name.


  • Body becomes light, spine & its adjoining muscles are strengthened. 
  • This asan is very useful for ladies.
  • While strengthening the muscles, it reduces the excess fat accumulated.
  • It activates all the organs located in the abdominal region.
  • Liver, kidneys, pancreas are also benefited by this asan.
  • It enhances the capacity of holding breath for a longer period of time. 
  1. Stand up on the asan. Keep your feet apart at a distance of around 2 feet.
  2. Raise the right hand up, keeping it close to the right ear & while inhaling, stretch it towards the sky.
  3. The left hand should be stretched downwards.
  4. Exhaling, stretch the left hand slowly towards the ground till the left palm touches the ground.
  5. The palm of the right hand should be pointed downwards and parallel to the earth.
  6. Stay in this pose as per your capacity. Do not force your body.
  7. Inhaling, return to the original position slowly.
  8. Repeat the same process on the other side as well.

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