Tuesday, December 14, 2010

10 - Konasan

Konasan is the opposite of Pashchimottanasan. In Pashchimottanasan, the body is bent forward whereas in Konasan, the body is bent backwards.

Importance / Benefits
  • Konasan is helpful in strengthening our shoulders and wrists.
  • This asan is very useful for people who suffer from cervical, Spondylitis and dislocation of the disc.
  1. Sit on the asan (yoga mat, sheet etc), joining your heels and toes. Stretch your legs forward.
  2. Place the soles of the feet on the ground as far as possible.
  3. Place your hands (palms) on the ground in a manner that the fingers are pointed outward (see first image) 
  4. Now balancing the body on your palms and feet, start inhaling and raise your body upwards. Your weight should be on your palms and heels (see the second image)
  5. Bend your neck backwards. Normalise your breath and stay in this pose for a  while.
  6. While exhaling, return to the original position very slowly.
  7. Relax.
Things to remember
  • Do not bend your knees at all.
  • Try and raise your body as much as you can and see whether you can touch your soles to the ground.

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