Sunday, December 12, 2010

06 - Navasan

Importance / Benefits

  • Navasan is very useful in bringing flexibility in lower part of our body.
  • It is very useful for our leg muscles and joints.
  1. Lie down on the back
  2. Stretch your legs forward while keeping your heels and toes together.
  3. Stretch both your hands towards your head keeping the gap between the hands as wide as your shoulders.
  4. While inhaling, left your legs and move them behind your head and try to stretch so that your feet touch the ground.
  5. While exhaling, bring back the feet slowly & try to touch the forehead with you knees and toes with your hands.
  6. Repeat this at least 5 times.
Important things to Note
  1. Please note that do not exert unnecessary force while doing this asan. It is not essential in the beginning that your feet touch the ground or your forehead touch your knees.
  2. Both the heels and toes should remain fully stretched.
  3. Do not give any jerk while doing this asan, please do it in a slow & controlled manner as per your capacity.

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