Friday, December 17, 2010

12 - Vajrasan

Importance / Benefits
  • Vajrasan helps in toning up the digestive system.
  • It helps in strengthening our knees & thighs.
  • Sitting in this asan for 5-7 minutes is equivalent to benefits one gets from a long walking session.
  • It helps in reducing tiredness in the body.
  • This asan is also helpful in stabilising the mind, hence, it is also useful to perform meditation in this asan.
  1. Sit erect with your legs stretched out fully in front.
  2. Place the palms of both hands on right side putting the entire weight of the body on them.
  3. Fold back your knees and sit on them.
  4. Keep your knees and toes together.
  5. Rest your palms on your knees.
  6. Sit erect with body relaxed & breathe normally.

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