Wednesday, December 8, 2010

05 - Tadasan

Tadasan is named after the Palm Tree (Tad in Hindi language). The position of the body in this asan remains straight like a palm tree. This asan serves as a link between the sitting and standing asans. This asan is useful for all persons in general but for ladies and children in particular it is most beneficial.

Importance / Benefits
  • Tadasan is very helpful in increasing height.
  • It removes heaviness of buttocks and helps curing obesity.
  • It cures ailments such as arthritis, pain in calves.
  • It energises the heart, makes our lungs & shoulders strong.
  • It helps in reducing shivering of hands and feet in old age.
  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Join your heels and toes.
  3. While inhaling, stretch the hands backwards to the maximum at one end and the feet at the other end.
  4. Hold your breath for few seconds.
  5. While exhaling, relax and return to the original position slowly.
  6. Breathe in a normal way & concentrate on the whole body.
Important things to remember
The most important thing to be kept in mind is that while performing this asan, first inhale the breath and then stretch the body.

This asan can be done while standing as well. Inhale and start stretching the arms towards the sky. Raise the heels too. Return to initial pose.

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